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Spiritual Companions Guidelines
Regularly connect with and experience the wonder and energy of existence
Core Skills
Are grounded and centred in our bodies; embodied and in hara
Can pause, still at will and become mindfully present
Awareness of the subtle sensations of connection
Witness with compassion, in silence when appropriate
Self-reflect and manage our behaviour, health and development with compassion, love and wisdom
Are emotionally literate and transparent about our own processes
Are in ongoing relationships and groups of peer support, actively seeking and welcoming feedback from others
Understand that there are psychological challenges that occur as the everyday self emerges into spiritual consciousness
Can take responsibility, apologise, forgive and receive forgiveness
Appreciate that all life is in a continual process of emergence and are comfortable with unknowing
Possess an appropriate sense of humour
Enable safe and sacred space
Provide a non-intrusive, welcoming, healing and holding presence
Listen with care and enable people to clarify and own their own psycho-spiritual development
Can assert clear boundaries and intervene, when appropriate, to stop abuse
Celebrate diversity and welcome the fact that there are many different paths of spiritual development
Are engaged citizens, actively dedicated to social and ecological health and honouring the spirit in all beings
Are aware of local resources
Know our personal and professional limitations and are able to refer appropriately

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