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Differences and Similarities Between Reiki and the Metamorphic Technique

On reflection I feel that the greatest similarity is that at the moment of contact practitioners work at a level of unity, a state of oneness with their clients, while still functioning in the relative universe or realm of duality at the moment of giving the session.

Both lead to a deeper experience of personal consciousness, and act as agents of transformation and personal development at many levels.

When talking about Reiki, Hawayo Takata liked to say "it is not a question of learning Reiki but becoming Reiki".

She was in her own words trying to be express a process that cannot be defined. She described Reiki in different ways according to her audience, sometimes as universal energy at others as an etheric wave, the supreme force that lies behind the act of creation itself.

When talking of this creative force MT teachers often refer to an organisational dynamic a term which tries to avoid any form of spiritual identity whilst recognising the absolute power that lies behind life itself.

A key difference is that Reiki is without doubt a healing art, the practitioner gently places his/her hands on the body in a set sequence of positions, which correspond to energy gates and touch the vital organs and endocrine glands in the physical body. The flow of ki or life-force is not guided by the practitioner but the need of the patient. People come to Reiki because they feel that they need healing. Reiki will work on all levels: Etheric, karmic or causal, mental, emotional and physical nor is it limited to any time frame, in the traditional form as introduced by Hawayo Takata, the practitioner follows his/her intuition and this will play some part in the process. There is no diagnosis or judgement. However in the form of Reiki known as Usui Shiki Ryoho, one of the most most powerful teachings is simply, let the Reiki do the work. It will go where it is needed.

People who are drawn to Metamorphic sessions simply recognise that change is needed, which is why many choose to have sessions in moments of great personal transition, whether leaving home, starting a new job, marriage, birth, or death to name a few.

Both MT and Reiki practitioners work from their being or essence but there is a difference in emphasis on the outcome.

The MT practitioner has no attachment to this, and will wait for the client to choose the pace of his transformative process and decide the frequency of sessions. The MT practitioner also uses specific positions on the hands, feet and head, touching lightly the spinal reflex points which correspond to the prenatal pattern. Often releasing re-birth memories which have caused us to create defensive behavioural patterns or quite simply become inhibited rather than spontaneous. As we move through life and different experiences, we often outgrow these inhibiting patterns, they no longer serve our survival, we can let go. The greatness of the Metamorphic Technique is that it accesses a level of consciousness that is both in, out and beyond time space and matter simultaneously.

This however is also true of Reiki, the diversity may lie in the nature of that connection, people sometimes consider Reiki to be channelled and although this term is not strictly accurate, I feel it is true to say that the approach is transcendental , a descent of grace or healing energy which is made by placing the hands on the body or through the use of symbols., While by the same token we can consider the Metamorphic approach to be immanent or coming from within, so in a certain sense an ascent, raising the level of consciousness.

Eddie O’Brien, an established and well known practitioner of the Metamorphic Technique recently made an intriguing comparison between religion (descent) and science (ascent) in his recent talk at the 2009 International Gathering of the Metamorphic Association.

The Metamorphic Technique practitioner has no role to play but to create a safe environment for this process to take place. The technique acts as a catalyst for the client’s inner transformation. The Metamorphic Technique is the catalyst which allows patterns or memories that no longer serve to dissolve. The problems may or may not be discussed during the session, which is client led.

No case history is taken. While the Reiki practitioner also works with a degree of detachment, if treating a long term or chronic condition, they may recommend a series of treatments, it is recommended that they know something of the clients history in public practice. However having said that we should note that Reiki is traditionally practised as a folk art, in which case no history would be necessary. While in its traditional form Reiki cannot be defined as a therapy in that there is no treatment plan, the practitioner works in the moment. Different practitioners may have different styles of working and may offer supportive treatments according to the skills they have.

The Metamorphic Technique allows the process to stand alone . The potential lies within the person who receives. The practitioner has no attachment to the outcome.

Reiki is also used for distant healing for which symbols are used, and at times different also hand positions. If a physical or emotional healing is sent , it is also true to say that intention is for that person to receive the benefit of the healing and anecdotal evidence has proved that this work is effective. It however rest in the realm of duality cause and effect.

When using Metamorphic Technique we adopt only one hand position. The conceptual pattern, in creating this circle with a finger on each thumb which in complete detachment accesses the potential of a situation. Will is not imposed, no specific outcome or intention but the manifestation of the highest potential, there ore no real intention but the concept of well -being. We are ourselves at out highest potential at the moment of conception, nothing has happened to our “blueprint” we have not yet been exposed to experience or learning we are “perfect”. Those of you who have practised yoga may recognise the word of this ancient vedic chant:

Om purnamadah purnamidam: OM,that is perfect, this is perfect

Purnat purnamudacyate: From the perfect, springs the perfect

Purnasya purnamadaya: If the perfect is taken from the perfect

Purnamevavasisyate: The perfect remains.

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